3 DAYS FOR $250

Do you struggle with an eating disorder, emotional eating or disordered eating?

    Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Tap the video)

January 9, 10 & 11

Brazen in-bodyment

3 day Virtual retreat

A 3-day virtual retreat to gain a deeper connection with your body, emotions and freedom with food!

Brazen in-bodyment

3 day retreat

A 3-day retreat to gain a deeper connection with your body, emotions and freedom with food!


There are 3 main hurdles that are keeping you from having the freedom you want...

Which one is keeping you stuck?

Problem N° 1

You don't know when you are hungry or when you are full.

Because you don't know, you try to follow diet rules, only to break them again later on...

Problem N° 2

The emotions you feel are overwhelming and you do not know how to make them stop without your food habits!

You have no clue how to eat or stop eating because how you feel, not what you want or need, is in charge of you. So you end up emotionally eating or depriving your body of what it needs to thrive.

Problem N° 3

 You can't follow through on your goals. 

You know what you want to do but you can't seem to follow through on the plan you set out for yourself!

While there are MANY OBSTACLES standing in the way, there are 2 main questions you need to ask yourself...


Can you naturally decide when to eat and when to stop eating? Or is it a battle of willpower or intellectual reasoning?




Are you educated enough to make actual informed decisions about your body and food?

Hello! My name is Yoni and We are Earth's Edge Wellness....

If you're new to us...We are a team of leading holistic and traditional practitioners for food and body struggles. All of our team has a strong desire to empower people to have joy and fulfillment in their bodies and for this life to START NOW! Seeing immediate shifts in people, whether they are in a group or an individual setting, is what sets us apart and what draws us together as a team. We are a global company and team and have provided our immediate and sustainable approach to people in the United States, Australia, Israel and England.

And while that sounds super rad (which it is!), creating an approach that truly resolves people's struggles with food and their body is no piece of cake (har har!). Many of our team members have struggled with eating disorders and disordered eating for many years, times of crippling anxiety and panic attacks, trying every technique and therapist, only to be stuck in the same position time and time again..

But these were all secret gifts in the making, as we found deep insight from our struggles. In 2018, I started noticing some interesting and seemingly uncorrelated events that led to my clients fully recovering. After observing all of these people and trying these same things on myself, I began to see the limitations of just taking a therapeutic approach to healing and began weaving holistic practices into my techniques. By 2020, these techniques have been honed to a place where results can be guaranteed. By 2021, 75 percent of our last BRAZEN IN-BODYMENT retreat's participants had significant symptom reduction of what they came to resolve within one week of meeting with us. Additionally, the reports came out that Earth's Edge Wellness provides an over 90 percent success rate with clients who invested into our program.


Because we realized that the past, future, body, mind and spirit need to be experienced in a way that promotes living fully and free in the present! And I am grateful and excited to share this with you on our 3 day retreat!!!

Hey there! My name is Yoni and We are Earth's Edge Wellness....

If you're new to us...We are a team of leading holistic and traditional practitioners for food and body struggles. What I see amongst everyone on our team is a strong desire for people to have joy and fulfillment in their bodies and for this life to START NOW! We have been so blessed to be able to provide our immediate and sustainable approach to people on a global level, from the United States to Australia, Israel and England! Seeing immediate shifts in people, whether they are in a group or an individual setting, is what sets us apart and what draws us together as a team. 

And while that sounds super rad (which it is!), creating an approach that truly resolves people's struggles with food and their body is no piece of cake (har har!). Many of our team members have struggled with eating disorders and disordered eating for many years. I personally have struggled through times of crippling anxiety, panic attacks and body issues, trying every technique and therapist I can find, only to be stuck in the same position time and time again..

But in 2018, I started noticing some interesting and seemingly uncorrelated events that led to my clients fully recovering. After observing all of these people and trying these same things on myself, I began to see the limitations of just taking a therapeutic approach to healing and began weaving holistic practices into my techniques. By July 2020, I was very comfortable knowing that when someone who is ready to heal came to see me, that they would be walking out healed and revived in record breaking time. For example, one client who had been seeing a psychotherapist for 30 years for binging and body dysmorphia, left my space 15 sessions later, feeling better and more in control of his life than he had been in over 40 years!


Because I realized that the past, future, body, mind and spirit need to be experienced in a way that promotes living fully and free in the present! And I am grateful and excited to share this with you on our 3 day retreat!!! 

This works. But don’t take it from us. Here’s what some of our previous students say:

"We kicked off with $100,000 in signed clients" - Matt Crane

"In 3 weeks I made more than I made in 2 years!" - Mel Rushing

"Chelsea helped me achieve results I didn’t think were possible! [She] kept me on track and held me accountable while also being flexible to adapt the program to fit my schedule. [Her programs are] tailored to my specific needs and always adapting based on everything else going on in my life."

- East Coast Runner and Family Man, Boston, MA

"I was on WAY too much of a certain anti-anxiety medication and needed to get off of it. With the help of Cosmin Mahadev, I was able to do this. The teachings completely turn my spiritual/emotional life around. Which shocker, pretty much saved my life.

If you’re looking for an amazing teacher to introduce you to the most remarkable type of yoga around, I cannot recommend it enough. Regardless of your experience with yoga or your trepidation about trying it, just do it. You’re not going to find a more profound, personable and less pretentious instructor in town than Cosmin. And the results are life-changing."

Amy L., Las Vegas, NV

"Yoni has a unique ability to suggest alternative perspectives on things within the context of real listening that doesn’t comprise the integrity of the communication, thereby leaving room for true growth to take place."

- Yehuda, Long Island, NY 

"Chelsea helped me achieve a better sense of help or, at least, begin to nurture it. Her work is as much mental as it is physical, which is both rare and wonderful! I think Chelsea is excellent for people in the mental health field (where I currently work) specifically because she addresses more than just physical health. Chelsea is intuitive and caring and understands the inevitable links between mental and physical well-being, and she innately understands how to work with the two."

- Whitney, Dayton, OH

"He uses the modality that seems to fit the person’s issue rather than falling back to the same modality. Sometimes he uses sound, sometimes family of origin, other times dialogue, and often times some level of bio-energetics to support folks in getting “un-stuck”.

- Tobias 

This is such an amazing program! I have had my struggles with food and how it affected my body for sure but with a little time and taking a unique approach I have found what works for me. Now I just listen to my body and it tells me what I need.

- May, Las Vegas, NV

Yoni is Amazing!!! He is attentive, caring great listener and fantastic support 😊 just go you will not regret it 👍🏽

- Iman, Las Vegas, NY

I joined a 2 week retreat a year ago. Yoni and his team really helped me get through a really difficult time in my life and I'm still seeing the effects of what I learned and worked through on the retreat today.

- Shaina, Brooklyn, NY

Chelsea helped me with having accountability. Instead of a meal plan that I probably wouldn’t have followed, she helped me with timing meals and snacks and balancing the foods I already eat. As former military, I like that I have someone checking in on me, making sure I stay on track. Whenever I had a question, I would always write it down and be sure to ask it during our sessions. Yes, it’s accountability, but each week was an improvement on the last, each time we made adjustments to the meal time or quantity to see how my body reacts. After a few weeks of working with Chelsea, I felt like I was getting my life force back with improved speed and strength. My training sessions have been more productive.”

- Army Combat Veteran & First Responder, Las Vegas, NV

"I learned a lot about meal planning and that helped me manage how I would spend my time during the weekend vs weekdays on preparing high quality, tasty meals. Also, when things weren’t going as well, I learned some ways to cope with changes and challenges. Having a specific assignment, templates, and guides in actually doing meal planning helped. In the past, I would read about it and have a list of tips, but that was never enough to push me to fully try a new method out."

- Christine, Boston, MA

"Yoni listens intuitively; he seems able to remove himself entirely from the dialogue. His first question, then, rests inevitably upon the perfect essence of the problem. This is a great skill, born of obvious learning, but made genuine through deep compassion."

 - Mark O., Las Vegas, NV

"I really appreciated it when Chelsea would discuss (or cite or send) the literature and studies that supported the advice she was giving me. I might be in the minority, but it allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of why I should do X and what to expect from my body. Chelsea is very personable, and I get the impression that she’s able to tailor her approach based on the client. For me, I was looking for someone to tell it to me straight, especially when my preconceived notions or research were wrong, and for someone that was willing to explain the theory behind the advice that they were giving. Chelsea did that in spades."

- Jesse H., Las Vegas, NV

"Cosmin (Mahadev) has been so helpful and shared many tools and techniques that have improved my quality of life tremendously!"

- Christina N., Las Vegas, NV

I’ve participated in groups led by Kristan since 2008 and found each of these experiences to be a journey in learning, peace and clarity. Each of these journeys: from mothers gathering in community to guiding mothers and daughters in first bloom to women entering the menopause/crone space through the maga time have been enhanced by her warmth, knowledge and gentle application. Kristan is the bonfire round which we can sit and remember ourselves, gaining strength from her deep wisdom and lifelong learning.

-Chris Campbell

Kristan has a special way of imparting knowledge and opening you up to so many possibilities. My time was well spent learning from this woman.

- Paula Pilgrim

Here's the secret: if you want to get freedom of your feelings over your food and body, you need to know how to address YOUR FOOD, YOUR BODY AND YOUR MIND. 

It doesn’t matter how much willpower you have.

If you don’t know how your body, mind and food relate to each other, no diet will work, no meal plan will be helpful and you will continue making circles..

It doesn’t matter how much willpower you have.

If you don’t know how your body, mind and food relate to each other, no diet will work, no meal plan will be helpful and you will continue making circles..

People who feel comfortable with their bodies and their food know that calorie checking, following fad diets, or a scale won't lead them to finding peace within and the knowledge to actually make helpful and long-term decisions  

In order to do this you need to be in touch with three things:

People who feel comfortable with their bodies and their food know that calorie checking, following fad diets, or a scale won't lead them to finding peace within and the knowledge to actually make helpful and long-term decisions  

In order to do this you need to be in touch with three things:

Your body, your emotions stored in your body and your mind's perspective on food.

Once you have these three ingredients ingrained in you, you're well on your way to cookin' a storm in the kitchen (or getting takeout!) that'll match what both your mind and body should eat! So let’s party!!

And those things are your body, your emotions stored in your body and your mind's perspective on food.

Once you have these three ingredients ingrained in you, you're well on your way to cookin' a storm in the kitchen (or getting takeout!) that'll match what both your mind and body should eat! So let’s party!!

Here’s the secret

It doesn’t matter how much willpower you have.

If you don’t know how your body, mind and food relate to each other, no diet will work, no meal plan will be helpful and you will continue making circles..

People who feel comfortable with their bodies and their food know that calorie checking, following fad diets, or a scale won't lead them to finding peace within and the knowledge to actually make helpful and long-term decisions 

In order to do this you need to be in touch with three things:

And those things are your body, your emotions stored in your body and your mind's perspective on food.

Once you have these three ingredients ingrained in you, you're well on your way to cookin' a storm in the kitchen (or getting takeout!) that'll match what both your mind and body should eat! So let’s party!!



A 3-day retreat to help you get a deeper connection with your body, your emotions and freedom with food!

"From connecting you to your body, emotions and food to ultimate freedom with food"

By the end of the retreat, you’ll be in touch with your body and know what steps to take you through specifically challenging meals or foods.

"From connecting you to your body, emotions and food to ultimate freedom with food"

By the end of the retreat, you’ll be in touch with your body and know what steps to take you through specifically challenging meals or foods.

Oh, the fun!!

What you will learn during the 

Brazen In-Bodyment Retreat:

3 day retreat to take you from "ahhh I can't eat/stop eating!" to feeling freedom with food

Each day we will tackle one of the main obstacles so you strut out of the retreat with all that BRAZEN IN-BODYMENT!!

Day 1: The real secret ingredient: your soul

A fundamental part of your healing process is learning to distinguish between and be aware that you are NOT your body, mind, clothes, thoughts, feelings or food. You are something that experiences everything. When you truly make this connection, you realize your limitless potential.

For the purposes of this retreat, you will realize how valuable it is to see yourself in this new light as it frees you from your past behaviors and old patterns.

You need to learn to seperate who YOU are from your thoughts, your mind, your body, and your food if you want to make objective decisions about how you treat your body.

Guru Mahadev live on 1/9/23 @ 4PM PST!

If you’re looking for an amazing teacher to introduce you to the most remarkable type of yoga around, I cannot recommend it enough. Regardless of your experience with yoga or your trepidation about trying it, just do it. You’re not going to find a more profound, personable and less pretentious instructor in town than Cosmin {Mahadev}. And the results are life-changing.

- Amy L., Las Vegas, NV

day 2: your secret power - or enemy

Here is where the psych meets the road: You need to understand WHY you have been making the decisions and choices you have made until now and WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. and once you know what your underlying motives you need skills to help keep you centered while you make these significant life changes.

Yoni live on 1/10/23 @ 4PM PST!

"The depth of understanding and intuition that Yoni Banayan demonstrated was unbelievable. I felt like he was able to really get where I was coming from and help guide me towards greater clarity and peace"

 -  Perel, Queens, NY

day 2: your secret power - or enemy

Here is where the psych meets the road: You need to understand WHY you have been making the decisions and choices you have made until now and WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. and once you know what your underlying motives you need skills to help keep you centered while you make these significant life changes 

Live on 1/10/23 @ 4PM PST!

"The depth of understanding and intuition that Yoni Banayan demonstrated was unbelievable. I felt like he was able to really get where I was coming from and help guide me towards greater clarity and peace

 " -  Perel, Queens, NY

day 3: Keepin up with the police

Food police that is.

If you want to create lasting change, you need to learn how to start IDENTIFYING AND CHALLENGING your thoughts and feelings that are unhelpful to where you want to go. In today's lesson, you will be learning all about the rules that you have already put in place that you may have not been aware of. Next you will learn how to dismantle these rules so you can find that true freedom.

Chelsea live on 1/11/23 @ 4PM PST!

This helped me to become more aware of my habits allowing me to focus on where the problems really are. This was great in helping me to work on long term nutrition issues in a way that I would never have thought of. I found this approach much easier than other methods.

- Jamie, Lake Wales, FL

day 3: Keepin up with the police

Food police that is.

If you want to create lasting change, you need to learn how to start IDENTIFYING AND CHALLENGING your thoughts and feelings that are unhelpful to where you want to go. In today's lesson, you will learn all about the rules that you have already put in place that you may have not been aware of. Next you will learn how to dismantle these rules so you can find that true freedom.

Live on 1/11/23 @ 4PM PST!

This helped me to become more aware of my habits allowing me to focus on where the problems really are. This was great in helping me to work on long term nutrition issues in a way that I would never have thought of. I found this approach much easier than other methods.

- Jamie, Lake Wales, FL

For real. Here’s a snapshot of our Stripe account from our most recent launch: 
And if you’re like, “Okay cool, but I’m not you. It won’t work for me because I’m just starting out / don’t have a niche yet / don’t have an email list / etc.”...

… check out what this process has done for our students who are just like you:

That's Jordan, a recent bootcamp participant of ours who teaches fly fishing and reached out after using the secret ingredients taught inside our bootcamp...

Within 5 minutes of making his offer, he had sold over $4,000 of online course sales!

Or what about Joy Foster who helps women build online technical skills so they can return to work or change careers...

After making a few key changes to her $2,000 program, she went on to have her biggest promotion bringing in over 100 new customers!

She also used our killer promotion strategy, but more on that later...

Or how about Magnus Zetterlund who teaches people how to play the mandolin..

He's a recent member of our annual coaching program and that's him posting in our private Slack community.

We walked him through using the same ingredients you will learn in this bootcamp and he went on to make $22,902 in his first promotion!

Basically, we know a thing or two about helping people like you tap into the thriving online, multi-billion dollar online education industry and get paid for what you already know. 

Sound like something you’re into? Keep on readin’, friend. 

Oh wait… did you think we were done? Bwahaahahhahahaha! We are just getting started!!!

The body Connection

One of the biggest issues people struggle with when trying to eat right is knowing what and how much to eat. People often follow diets or rules that they decided will be good or bad things to do/eat! Do you think that works?

You got it! Nope! Why? Because the only food rules that you should follow are ones that your body has already designed for you!

 And you will know those rules when you actually learn to listen and connect with your body.

One of the biggest issues people struggle with when trying to eat right is knowing what and how much to eat. People often follow diets or rules that they decided will be good or bad things to do/eat! Do you think that works?

You got it! Nope! Why? Because the only food rules that you should follow are ones that your body has already designed for you!

 And you will know those rules when you actually learn to listen and connect with your body.

Expert and Group IG support group!

We want this retreat to be as immersive as you can go! We will be answering any questions, giving support to each other along the way and challenging each other throughout the retreat. This is also where we will be posting reminders for our daily experiences and where we will be posting the action item for the day so we can keep the energy going!!

Expert and Group IG support group!

We want this retreat to be as immersive as you can go! We will be answering any questions, giving support to each other along the way and challenging each other throughout the retreat. This is also where we will be posting reminders for our daily experiences and where we will be posting the action item for the day so we can keep the energy going!!

Earth's Edge Wellness Merch

We are giving you one of our beautiful Earth's Edge Wellness journals to help you process what you learn with us! All you need to do is email us your address and we will take care of the rest!

Earth's Edge Wellness Merch

We are giving you one of our beautiful Earth's Edge Wellness journals to help you process what you learn with us! All you need to do is email us your address and we will take care of the rest!

Nutrition workbooks for hunger-fullness, sports nutrition and meal planning

You need to learn how to take the concepts we teach you into the real world. Having a designated workbook to help you develop and assess your hunger and satiety cues will go a long way! 

If you plan to create a lifestyle that includes your body (that would be a wise decision :)), you need to know how to keep yourself properly nourished so your body not only doesn't break down on you, but also so that you are able to be at your best!

Lastly, you can plan ahead! You will be provided with a meal planning workbook too!

Nutrition workbooks for hunger-fullness, sports nutrition and meal planning

You need to learn how to take the concepts we teach you into the real world. Having a designated workbook to help you develop and assess your hunger and satiety cues will go a long way! 

If you plan to create a lifestyle that includes your body (that would be a wise decision :)), you need to know how to keep yourself properly nourished so your body not only doesn't break down on you, but also so that you are able to be at your best!

Lastly, you can plan ahead! You will be provided with a meal planning workbook too!

A bonus 30 minute 1:1 success integration coaching call

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We will take you through this journey by the hand! If you want to practice some of what you learnt, have questions about how to apply anything you learnt, or simply want to see how to solidify your healing, growth and all that brazen in-bodyment, this call will be where that happens!

A bonus 30 minute 1:1 success integration coaching call

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We will take you through this journey by the hand! If you want to practice some of what you learnt, have questions about how to apply anything you learnt, or simply want to see how to solidify your healing, growth and all that brazen in-bodyment, this call will be where that happens!


When you jump in for the Brazen In-bodyment retreat , you'll get...
  • Day1: The Real Secret Ingredient: YOUR SOUL! ($400 Value)

  • Day 2: Your underlying motives for your behaviors and grounding techniques to help once you know them ($500 Value)

  • Day 3: Food rules and food psychology 101 ($400 Value)

  • The Body Connection ($300 Value)

  • ​Expert and group IG support group ($600 Value)

  • Earth's Edge Wellness Merch ($20 Value)

  • Nutrition workbooks on hunger fullness, sports nutrition and meal planning ($100 value)

  • 30 minute 1:1 Integration coaching call ($200 Value) 

For $250 :)

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to believe in yourself… here’s our 5x guarantee: 

We 100% guarantee that this retreat will ROCK YOUR WORLD!!! 

If, after the end of Day 3 you feel like you haven't gotten at least 5X what you put into this, we will happily refund your investment in full. You must have attended all 3 days of the retreat live and and followed through on the homework too! All you have to do is email us by 8:59am EST the day after day 3 of the retreat for a full refund. 

Sounds fair?

We 100% guarantee that this retreat will ROCK YOUR WORLD!!! 

If, after the end of Day 3 you feel like you haven't gotten at least 5X what you put into this, we will happily refund your investment in full. You must have attended all 3 days of the retreat live and followed through on the homework too! Basically, this means you have to give us and yourself a real shot! All you have to do is email us by 8:59am EST the day after day 3 of the retreat for a full refund. 

Sounds fair?

Have a burning question? Here’s what’s come up for other bootcampers:

Have a question? Here are a few of our popular ones:

Is there an advantage to purchasing a ticket now vs. waiting?

Yes! We close the option to get a ticket once we are full or once the time is up, whichever comes first. Also, why would you wait on your own happiness? Is there anything that should come before your happiness (the answer is “no” in case you were wondering ;))

Will you be running more of these if I cannot make it to this one?

Yes and no! We will have retreats in the future, but they are only held once a year.

Where is this retreat happening?

The entire retreat will be held on zoom! You can be and come as you are!

I have never heard of you before, how do I know that you can help me?

Because our approaches are tried and true with hundreds of people already. We have a knack for helping people when no one else was able to help them. We firmly believe that by seeing you as a completely unique organism (yes, organism!), we are able to see what you need from a far more individualized place. On top of that, we offer a full refund to anyone who requests. (see "5x Satisfaction Guarantee" section above for more information)

Will this make me lose/gain weight?

As you may have picked up, we are not into focusing on weight at all! The importance is getting you attuned to what your body is already aligned to be. We will help you stabilize yourself. If you have been binging food, restricting food or going from restricting food to then binging food, having a more stable body and relationship with food will naturally have a positive effect on your weight as well (for some this can be an increase and for some this can be a decrease). Once you stabilize, you can then focus on what you feel is important to you with more confidence in those outcomes etc.

What if I can’t make it live?

Don’t worry about it! Your ticket comes with access to the call recordings for 90 days, so you can watch whenever is best for you. However, we will be doing a lot of our questions and answers and experiences live, so we HIGHLY recommend you show up and make the time! You may have a question no one else has or a different situation, so let us help you! If you don’t prioritize yourself now, when will you?

Why is it so cheap to join?

Because we are so cool! Also, because we want to share what we do in a more affordable way, so we decided to make a retreat for everyone to enjoy, learn and experience together! This allows us to lower things quite a bit!

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide, friend.

Here’s the truth: nothing changes if nothing changes. 

If you have been battling your inner critic and your mirror...


If you've spent much of your life trying to change what you look like...


If you're fed up trying yet another diet or meal plan to help you...


Then you need to get honest with what works and you KNOW that this can easily change your life. 


Because you have never done anything like this before and everything you have been trying until now is leaving you in the same position, if not worse. And you deserve better than that. 


So.. you in? 

As seen in...

Voyage MIA Magazine | Miami City Guide

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